Dealey Leadership Academy Logo

Welcome to George Bannerman Dealey Leadership Institute nonprofit’s website. You can learn more about us here or donate to our nonprofit mission of raising the next generation of citizen leaders and keeping Dallas government accountable and her citizens informed. We are Guidestar approved having earned their Gold Seal of Transparency continuously since 2019.

George Bannerman Dealey

George Bannerman Dealey (September 19, 1859 – February 26, 1946) was a Dallas, Texas businessman and journalist.

George Bannerman Dealey

Dealey was committed to civic engagement and did so through a local newspaper as the long-time publisher of The Dallas Morning News and owner of the A.H. Belo Corporation.  He also helped establish Southern Methodist University and was instrumental in bringing the Federal Reserve branch to Dallas.

Dealey Plaza in Dallas was named in his honor in 1934, and became instantly world-famous on Friday, November 22, 1963 when it became the site of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The site is a symbol to an icon of a local, civic minded leader and unfortunately it imbrues his name with a tragic event.

We hope we can provide structures and positive supprt for public Montessori education in North Dallas and also provide pathways for students, teachers, and civic minded leaders who hope to lead Dallas and Texans into the next several decades. Our goal is to be a source of information and support for our local neighborhoods and provide platforms for learning and discussion about issues affecting our community.